Roger & Diana's 25th Anniversary Hawaiian Islands Crruise

Sat, Oct 3 - 4pm, Los Angeles EMBARKATION > Sun, Oct 4 - At Sea > Mon, Oct 5 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 6 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 7 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 8 - 9am to 6pm, Big Island (Hilo), Hawaii > Fri, Oct 9 - 7am to 11pm, Oahu (Honolulu), Hawaii > Sat, Oct 10 - 8am to 5pm, Kauai (Nawailiwili), Hawaii > Sun, Oct 11 - 7am to 6pm, Maui (Lahaina), Hawaii > Mon, Oct 12 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 13 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 14 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 15 - At Sea > Fri, Oct 16 - At Sea > Sat, Oct 17 - 8am to 5pm, Ensenada, Mexico > Sun, Oct 18 - 7am Los Angeles, DISEMBARKATION

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Why Should I Sign-Up with the "DAVIS" Group?

Traveling with Friends is comforting! 
So the question proposed is “Why should I sign-up with the Davis Group?” 
Great question...

Although many of you have traveled with our group before there are others who may be new or perhaps still for those not signed up yet, may want to utilize their own travel agent.  Quite simply put... you can use whoever you like, HOWEVER,  doing so will allow you to book the 15 day Hawaiian Cruise on the Ruby Princess but NOT get you into the exclusive speciality of being a part of our Davis Renewal Group AND "all it’s celebratory information, personal attention, events, group discounts, activities and other potential cruise benefits" liked those who have chosen to sign-up with Alex at Innovative Travel Planners.    

Roger and I have decided that we will be renewing our vows on board the ship and the invitation will be exclusive to those signing up through Alex. We are very please, to have Alex as part of our renewal party because we know she and her company have always gone the extra mile for us . Alex started with us at our 15th Anniversary and now we are the lucky ones to have her not only as our travel agent but also along with her husband Ted, have become very good friends.  Alex brings to the team over 40 years of professional travel agency experience as well as being an avid traveler herself. We have the utmost respect for her and appreciate all she has done for our travel groups. 

During this cruise you will have exclusive benefits for being a part of “Our Group”. This is not to say that you have to be with “The Group”.  If you care to have a more solo cruise experience, the choice is absolutely there for you. With our group, you can embark and disembark to your liking. But being affiliated with a group such as ours, can only provide you with a bit more personal attention as well as optional fun activities, familiar camaraderie beyond just boarding the mega Princess Cruise Line as well as other potential perks which may include any discounts or price reductions that we can only hope to get through Princess Cruises. Again let me reiterate that participation in the activities and events is totally optional. Our goal is for you to enjoy your cruise and have a good time. We only ask that you simply respect and honor other guests with consideration and reflect a positive attitude, after all no one likes a whiner. Or as Roger says, if you don’t enjoy having a laugh or two then perhaps we are not the group for you!    

Another benefit for those who enjoy socialization is that being a part of our group allows for special camaraderie and comfort whether you choose to bring a friend or come solo. Many of our friends, have through the years, connected and gotten to know one another and now look forward to being with this group. Knowing that you are a part of this group and guided by both Alex and Diana is also another major perk and I know appreciated by many returnees.   

Alex is very efficient in covering your cruise and ship board needs while Diana makes sure
that the group receives the best benefits possible during this cruise. These may include seeking cruise discounts and benefits whenever possible, private shore excursions, communicating details of cruising, sharing destination information, highlighting the joys of our sea home & lifestyle during our cruise, the comfort of having familiar faces, assisting with personal questions and concerns during this group cruise, and introducing our group cruisers who also bring a number of laughs, stories and experiences to share. 

So join us and c’mon aboard WITH US...its time to begin your cruise with Roger and Diana!  

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