Roger & Diana's 25th Anniversary Hawaiian Islands Crruise

Sat, Oct 3 - 4pm, Los Angeles EMBARKATION > Sun, Oct 4 - At Sea > Mon, Oct 5 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 6 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 7 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 8 - 9am to 6pm, Big Island (Hilo), Hawaii > Fri, Oct 9 - 7am to 11pm, Oahu (Honolulu), Hawaii > Sat, Oct 10 - 8am to 5pm, Kauai (Nawailiwili), Hawaii > Sun, Oct 11 - 7am to 6pm, Maui (Lahaina), Hawaii > Mon, Oct 12 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 13 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 14 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 15 - At Sea > Fri, Oct 16 - At Sea > Sat, Oct 17 - 8am to 5pm, Ensenada, Mexico > Sun, Oct 18 - 7am Los Angeles, DISEMBARKATION

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Follow By Email

We all seem to have full lives, ever so busy with not enough hours in the day and inundated daily with things to do, task & chores, demands and just never seems to end! But, you're going on a cruise and this means you need to know the details, information and deadlines!

Our Hawaiian Island Cruise Blog will be the central information tool that I will be using to disseminate all the information to assist you with  your cruise. So please stay with me for a bit more and follow this helpful tip that you might want to seriously consider incorporating in your planning so that you can save time and still keep you connected without needing to check the cruise blog for information. Now take a breath and check it out --- It's not hard, really!

Located on the Cruise Blog, left hand side, under our opening welcome remark “Hope to see You on Deck...”  and above the “Look who’s Coming on Board the Ruby Princess with Roger & Diana...". There is a white box with Email address noted.. and a submit button, just right of that. Do you see it? Simply, Enter your email address in the white box...keep looking, can you see it now? Now Click the Submit button. Then a window will pop open to have you verify your action. Type in the symbolic alphabet/numerical script that is shown and then click the "Complete Subscription Request". Can’t get the notation, try guessing and if you guess wrong, it will give you another code. So don't fret. Next you will have to go to your Email In Box and reply to with the Feed-burner email & confirmation that you want this subscription. Once you link on, the next posted blog article or posted comment will be sent directly to your noted email account. This convenience will allow you to not have to link on the blog website each and every time to see if anything new has been added. Thereby of course, giving you more time to handle your day to day business or simply to take a moment for yourself! 

Oh, and you can always unsubscribe as well. So no need to feel trapped. Just check out the bottom of the article that gets sent to you. There is a highlighted unsubscribe, that you can click onto to delete this service.

Please note that this tool does not send you articles and comments that have already been posted prior to you subscribing. So scroll down and check out the other articles including clicking the “Older Posts” note on the last article, on the lower right hand side so that it will update you to the full cruise blog. If you still can't get what I am or call me and we'll walk it through it together. You're gonna love the convenience. Now give it a try!

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