Roger & Diana's 25th Anniversary Hawaiian Islands Crruise

Sat, Oct 3 - 4pm, Los Angeles EMBARKATION > Sun, Oct 4 - At Sea > Mon, Oct 5 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 6 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 7 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 8 - 9am to 6pm, Big Island (Hilo), Hawaii > Fri, Oct 9 - 7am to 11pm, Oahu (Honolulu), Hawaii > Sat, Oct 10 - 8am to 5pm, Kauai (Nawailiwili), Hawaii > Sun, Oct 11 - 7am to 6pm, Maui (Lahaina), Hawaii > Mon, Oct 12 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 13 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 14 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 15 - At Sea > Fri, Oct 16 - At Sea > Sat, Oct 17 - 8am to 5pm, Ensenada, Mexico > Sun, Oct 18 - 7am Los Angeles, DISEMBARKATION

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

ANDRE - Cruise Connection

To Fellow Cruisers I know and others I look forward to meeting...

Diana has asked me to write an article about myself for Roger’s and her blog, to introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me and to apologize to those who of you who do.  So, here goes:

I am Andre Mathieu and have known Diana since the third grade when she and her family moved to Sonoma, California.  She knows me well, too well, yet she still invites me to so many of her planned events.  I have known Roger since the 30th year reunion for the
Andre & Diana ... Years of Silly & Laughters
Sonoma Valley High School Class of 1973, of which Diana and I were both members, along with many of the others who will be on this cruise.  He knows me well, also, but not too well.  Not from lack of trying on his part but from hesitancy on my part.  I’m not sure I want a man like Roger knowing me too well, as many of you know all too well.

This will be the first time I will be on one of their many cruises.  (Well, I plan to be on this cruise, fate may decide otherwise. I hope not.)  My apologies for breaking your lucky streak.  In fact, this will be my first cruise ever and that is not the only first for me on this cruise.  This will also be the first time I’ve visited Hawaii.  I’m looking forward to both, assuming I’m not thrown overboard by a crew member or guest before reaching Hawaii.  I’m also looking forward to being with all of Roger’s and Diana’s friends who will be on this cruise, many of whom I already know and who know me, and getting to know better those I don’t know and who don’t know me.  Again, my apologies for breaking your lucky streak.  After spending 15 days with me, you will wonder why Roger and Diana invited me on this cruise.  Actually, it was Diana who invited me. 
 Stay Tuned: Birdmen 2: Andre & Roger
Roger didn’t.  Doesn’t matter, I was invited and plan on going.

What I’m looking forward to most, besides being with Roger and Diana, is drinking and eating.  Since this is my first adventure with Roger and Diana, I don’t know if that is allowed, but if it is, I’m looking forward to it, if I can break away from the daily church services I’m required by Roger and Diana to attend.  Hopefully, the services won’t last all day.

Diana included a (long) list of questions for me to answer just in case I got writer’s block.  Well, I have writer’s block.  (Yes, I got writer’s block writing about my favorite subject.  I’m my favorite subject, but I just don’t like writing about it.)  Here are the ones I thought were most important:

What is my favorite cocktail?
My favorite cocktail is the one that is in the glass in front of me.  Contrary to what some who know me believe, I usually use a glass, and it usually empties fairly quickly.  I don’t know why, it just does. I believe they call that a phenomenon. 

What is my favorite food?
My favorite food is usually whatever is on the plate right in front of me, unless something on the plate of the person next to me looks better than what’s on the plate right in front of me.

What is my favorite dessert?
Please see the answer for my favorite food, immediately above, just substitute dessert for food.  I may eat alone a lot on this cruise.

Well, that’s a page worth of trivial information about me, which is far more than anyone should be subjected to.  I doubt if many of you read this far, especially those who already know me. But if you did...
Until we meet on the Ruby Princess,


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