Roger & Diana's 25th Anniversary Hawaiian Islands Crruise

Sat, Oct 3 - 4pm, Los Angeles EMBARKATION > Sun, Oct 4 - At Sea > Mon, Oct 5 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 6 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 7 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 8 - 9am to 6pm, Big Island (Hilo), Hawaii > Fri, Oct 9 - 7am to 11pm, Oahu (Honolulu), Hawaii > Sat, Oct 10 - 8am to 5pm, Kauai (Nawailiwili), Hawaii > Sun, Oct 11 - 7am to 6pm, Maui (Lahaina), Hawaii > Mon, Oct 12 - At Sea > Tues, Oct 13 - At Sea > Wed, Oct 14 - At Sea > Thurs, Oct 15 - At Sea > Fri, Oct 16 - At Sea > Sat, Oct 17 - 8am to 5pm, Ensenada, Mexico > Sun, Oct 18 - 7am Los Angeles, DISEMBARKATION

Monday, June 29, 2015

Our Pre-Cruise Queen Mary Package!

Below is a flyer that was distributed to our cruiser attendees at our Pre Cruise Brunch on Sunday.
There is limited cabins available and on a first come first serve basis.
To confirm that you have reserved a cabin...please contact Alex
at or call her at 949-756-3223.
To guarantee your reservation you will need to send the appropriate payment noted below.
Contact Alex for assistance.
Hope to see you on deck!
Diana & Roger

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

RUSSELL: Cruise Connection

As it turns out, Russell is very shy and reluctant to write an article about himself.  So, once again Roger and Diana must turn to their editor to track down Russell and provide some information for the Cruise Connection.  The editor, bless his heart, managed to finally get ahold of Russell on the phone and ask him a few questions.

Ed.  So Mr. Cobb, I understand that you have had a long-standing relationship with a fellow called Randy.  And before that, you had a very long-standing relationship with Duane Davis.  Since Duane is able to go on this cruise and Randy is not.....are you planning to once again hook up with Duane??  I know you have stated in the past that you are not gay but your actions seem to indicate otherwise.  So what is going on??

Russell.  (Sniff) what?

Ed.  I thought the question was/is pretty clear.  Are you once again hoping to re-connect with Duane??  You know he is married now and his wife Linda would be upset if you two became an item again.  We all know about your frequent trips to the Rudder Room when you spend the night with them in Oxnard at the beach are trying to take this relationship to the next level??  What will happen to Linda??

Russell.  What (sniff).

Ed.  Perhaps we should move on to another topic.  I understand that (at least in the past) that you have an inclination to have the occasional cocktail.  So, just exactly what is your favorite drink?  This should be fairly easy for you.

Russell.  Abolut on the rocks (sniff).  

Ed.  You seem to be a man of few words.  Is that because Randy is always talking when you’re together and you have learned over the years to just remain quiet or is it that you really don’t have much to say and when you do speak one seems to be paying know, playing to the hair-cuts??  Rumor has it that you first met Roger at one of Jim Allison’s halloween parties where Roger was wearing some sort of disgusting, twisted, demented, sick costume and, of course, there was an instant bonding.  And, you finally met Diana when the two of them were dating and ultimately got married.  Does all of this ring a bell??

Russell.  Huh?

Ed.  Have you always been this hard to talk to??  I mean, I thought you used to own a bar in Glendale called the Odd House.  Didn’t you have to talk to customers when you were serving drinks??  Didn’t Ike and Tina Turner and Little Richard play at your bar??
Surely you had to talk to them or did you have a partner that did all the talking??  Also, weren’t you married several times and have several kids and grandkids and even great don’t you have to talk to them once in awhile?
Russell.  Would you repeat that (sniff)?

Ed.  Never mind......let’s try a new topic.  Diana tells me that you really enjoy music and that you have quite a collection on your iPod or some other kind of electronic device.  She also tells me that you spend a lot of time doing on-line shopping for all kinds of things and usually wind up sending them back.  Is this some kind of social intercourse for you since you seem to be on the outs with Randy.  You know, you can get help for this.  So, given your love of music and your current situation with Randy, do you currently have any favorites?

Russell.  What?

Ed.  Geeze, interviewing you is like pulling teeth.  You know, there are lots of activities on the cruise ship and many folks really enjoy participating.  Do you have any favorites.  I know you enjoy drinking and eating.....but are there any others??  Are you in to rock climbing, bingo, dancing, art auctions, ping-pong, swimming, anything??  Yes, I know you would probably prefer the eating and drinking so do you also have a favorite meal?

Russell.  Tofu (sniff) and steamed veggies.

Ed.  I guess that about wraps it up.  Do you have any other thoughts or comments you would like to make about yourself or about Roger and Diana or about why you are going on the cruise?

Russell.  Wait a minute......I’m going on cruise??

Saturday, June 20, 2015


One of the joys of cruising for me is the culinary experiences that the cruise ship offers. As much as I truly enjoy cooking, trying new recipes, reading and learning about regional specialities.  I need to confess that I also love being spoiled by NOT having to cook, clean and instead being served gourmet dishes, fine wines & delightful cocktails with class & service. And this by the way is just in the daily cruise dining at sea. The ship also offers buffet, spa food, pizzaria, outdoor grilled burgers, room service and speciality restaurants and cafe. But one of the “not so advertised” service that is definitely for Foodies, Gourmands, Epicureans and Gastronomes that Princess Cruises offers is their “Chef’s Table” experience. 

Roger and I have decided to once again try and sign-up for this opportunity. on the Ruby Princess. We first participated in this evening event on the Island Princess when we went to the Panama Canal in 2010. It is very competitive to get to a reservation. It requires getting on board the ship and immediately pursuing a sign-up. There is no guarantee as there is very limited seating opportunities. I was told by a representative of Princess Cruises that there was a maximum of 10 per table and there will be a maximum of 4 tables per a 15 day cruise. Which if you calculate it out, that means 40 people will get to sign-up among the Ruby Princess’ passenger capacity of 3,084. The cost per participant is $95 with wine and $80 without wine. 

There is no confirmed reservation till you receive a personalized invitation in your stateroom, so look for this important document if you plan to sign up. If this is truly a passionate interest, please contact me and I will take your name based upon a first come first served list. I will then coordinate the interest list by establishing table of 10. If I find that there are more then 10 individuals, I will then coordinate with one or two cruisers to assist me in working on this opportunity. Below is the information that I found on the Princess Cruise Website that might assist you in your decision. 

Food & Dining: The Chef's Table
The Chef’s Table is designed as a special treat for dining enthusiasts, and offers the rare opportunity to be welcomed into the inner sanctum of the ship's galley to enjoy a full evening of memorable sights, tastes and conversation hosted by the executive chef.

While many passengers are able to enjoy galley tours during the quiet off-hours, the Chef's Table experience takes interested diners behind the scenes during the height of dinner preparation where they'll also enjoy Champagne and hors d'oeuvres, followed by a special multi-course tasting dinner paired with selected wines in the dining room.

The Chef's Table begins when the Maitre d' personally escorts the passengers to the galley where they can observe the bustle of dinner-hour preparations and meet the executive chef, plus enjoy Champagne with appetizers. The chef previews the details of the menu he created for that evening, and the group is welcomed to their special table in the dining room.

The multi-course menu is specially created by the chef, and is not offered anywhere else on the ship. The fare might include anything from a focus on regional cuisine to a showcase of indigenous ingredients from a recent port. Each course is accompanied by a detailed explanation of special features, preparation methods, and tasting suggestions. Specially selected wines complement the meal. During the dessert course, the chef rejoins the group at their private table to participate in a discussion about the evening's meal, answer questions, and share culinary secrets perfected during many years of experience at sea and on land.

Additionally, each couple at the Chef's Table will receive a personalized, autographed copy of Princess' best-selling cookbook, Courses, A Culinary Journey, which has sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide and is available on Passengers will also enjoy a complimentary photo taken at the private table with the chef.

The Chef's Table* experience can be reserved by up to 10 passengers per night, at an additional cost. Reservations are made onboard through the ship's DINE telephone line or in person at the dining reservations table set up on the first day of the cruise.

*Not available on Sun, Dawn and Sea Princess while in Australia.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

PATRICIA "Pat" & DIANA "Dee Dee": Cruise Connection

Diana, whom I call Dee Dee (and I'm talking about Diana Pittaluga, not Diana Davis) and I have been friends since we were three years old, growing up three doors apart on the same street in Pico Rivera. Dee Dee's family moved to neighboring Downey the summer between eight and ninth grades, but our friendship endured.
"Dee Dee"

DeeDee has been a single mother for over 25 years, raising her three daughter in Lake Forest. She is a small business owner with her own Pool Cleaning & Pool Repairs business, which put all three daughters through college. The eldest is a pediatrician, one is a CPA and her youngest has chosen to follow in her mother's footsteps working side by side cleaning and repairing pools. She has four grandchildren ranging in age from two to eleven years. 

I'm the connection to Diana and Roger having worked for the City of Irvine in the Community Services Department for thirty years. The City was only three years old when I started, however Roger was our General Support Manager in this new City. Shortly thereafter, Diana worked as an intern for me for several months and she never left until she retired. While there, she met Roger, which is another story, that I'm not going to share, but you could ask them. 

While in Irvine, I had an opportunity to work or supervise all the sections of the Department, ranging from Facilities Maintenance, to Community Parks, Aquatics & Athletics, Seniors, Teen Programing, the Fine Art Center, the Animal Care Center, etc., but I'm most proud of is my work in Park Planning and establishing the Park and Facilities Standards Manuel. 

After I retired from Irvine, I had the wonderful opportunity to work for the CEO of the Anaheim Ducks for two years on a part time status, which I've loved! Having never attended a hockey game I immediately fell in love with sport which was aided by the Ducks run and eventual win of the Stanley Cup in 2007, the first time the Cup came to California! The love for the sport and the Anaheim Ducks has spread to Dee Dee and other friends as I share my season tickets. We go to sports bars that hold Watch Party's when the Ducks are playing out of town. All in all we have become big FANS of not only the Ducks but the sport of hockey!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

IRENE: Cruise Connection

Aloha, future Hawaii Travel Cruisers.

I am Irene Cianfarani… can call me Irene C to make it easy. 

I began working at the City of Irvine in the early 70s.  That is where I initially met Roger Davis who began working in the Purchasing Department.  It seems just like yesterday…..Roger was a mere youngster with: a head of beautiful thick, wavy hair; a v-shaped physique ….a waste line; and muscles…a real Jack La Lane look alike! Oops, almost forgot, he had a cute wiggle in his walk as he stalked the halls of City Hall seeking co-workers to flirt with and others just to be the friendly Roger that he still is to this day.  

I left the City but returned after several years and that is when I met Diana Davis. She worked in Community Services; I worked Public Works.  The departments shared the coffee/mail-room, where I met Diana as we normally had to wait our turn for the copy machine. Diana was always warm, friendly and a pleasure to converse with…even had “nice things” to say about her Roger!

My travels over the years have included: several cruises to the Caribbean; Jamaica; and Mexico. I have travelled to Canada and Europe to the countries of: London; Belgium; Germany; Switzerland; and Paris. I have been to Hawaii many times to the islands of: Honolulu; Maui; and Kauai.  My favorite place of all to travel to – Hawaii.  The best place for pina coladas!

I am looking forward to my first cruise to Hawaii with the Davis group! I am expecting nothing less than – fun, relaxation, lots of pina coladas, coconuts, and great food. I am looking forward to meeting those of you who have been a part of the Davis’ cruises for the past few years and join in the fun. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Internet & Wi-Fi on the High Seas

We all are hooked, whether its your cell phone or your iPad or even your laptop. We all have them in one way or the other these days. Well the cruise lines know this and they are here to provide you a service at a cost of course. Planning ahead might be a helpful tip in budgeting for your supplemental cruise expense unless perhaps you are considering to be off the grid for those 15 days? Hey it was a thought.... Following are some guidelines to assist you and enlighten you of the technology on the wide seas...

Internet and Wi-Fi: Wireless hotspots are available in public areas and cabins on all ships. However, pending where your cabin is on the ship the reception may be weak and limited. The Ruby Princess ship has an Internet Cafe with approximately 20 plus computer terminals. High bandwidth activities like VoIP and streaming video may be restricted onboard ships and the most importantly tip....don't forget to logout so you 
don't use up your minutes.

Fees: Princess Cruise Line's pay-as-you-go rate is 79 cents per minute. There are also four time plans: 100 minutes for $69 (pre-purchase for $72.95 with 20 bonus minutes); 200 minutes for $99 (pre-purchase for $102.95 with 40 bonus minutes); 400 minutes for $159 (pre-purchase for $162.95 with 60 bonus minutes) and 600 minutes for $199 (pre-purchase for $202.95 with 80 bonus minutes). World cruisers also can buy 1,000 minutes for $249 or pre-purchase for $252.95 with 100 bonus minutes included. Princess also offers a last-day-of-sailing, 15-minute Internet special for $8.99. Passengers in the top tier of the line's frequent cruise program (Elite & Platinum status) gain credit towards Internet package use.

Cell Phones: All Princess ships are cell phone operational (service provided by Maritime Communications Partners). Phones must be activated for international calling with the passenger's home provider before sailing. Roaming fees apply and are set by your phone service provider. You should prepare by calling your mobile provider and see what is the most cost effective plan for your usage as International and Roaming rates can quickly add up and you certainly don’t need a large phone bill after your cruise. So remember to set your phone setting accordingly.

Below are some additional articles you might want to check out for more information. But the best advice is from your service provider... just double click on the titles below for more read:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

WHO IS GARY HEARD?: Cruise Connection by Roger Davis

This is Gary! 
Since there are mixed reviews as to the correctness of any answers to this perplexing question; (is he an urban myth or an urban legend?) it seemed appropriate to let our editor try and get ahold of Gary and ask him a few questions.  Following is that “interview”.

Ed: Given the historic difficulty in reaching Gary, I will try and reach him on his cell phone.  It’s Sunday morning just a little after 8:00 a.m.  Hello Gary I believe Diana had sent you an email about my interviewing you and I would like to start off by asking what exactly is it that you do?

Gary: Well, I’m a very important person and am in charge of all of the computers at the Napa Valley Unified School District.  Hold it, I have a call on the other line...........

Ed: Thanks for getting back to me.  So how is it that you know Roger and Diana?

Gary: Well, let me be sure that this is just between you and me.  OK?  Well, Diana and I used to be an item and then I joined the navy and became a know, under the water for long periods of time with other submariners.  So after many moons at sea, Diana had finally had enough of me and dumped me.  Please don’t tell Roger about this I really like him and wouldn’t want him to be..........oops, that’s the other line and I have to get this ‘cause I’m really a very important person.

Ed: You’re back.  Actually, this is not really that confidential since this article will be on Diana’s blog for the upcoming cruise.

Gary:  What the @#$%& is a blob??

Ed:  It’s blog, and it’s a term or name for a computer or web based article or perhaps a diary used by multiple authors.  You should check the term out on Wikipedia.

Gary:  What the @#$%& is Wikipedia??  Is this some place in Hawaii??  ‘Cause I’ve been there you know and I don’t remember any @#$%& Wikipedia!!

Ed:  I thought you said you were in charge of computers?  You should be aware of these terms.  You don’t have an you??  It is easy to look up these terms on an Apple.  You might want to consider this.  Anyway, let’s get back to the interview.  Why do  you like cruising?

Gary:  I’m with Roger on this one.  I like cruising ‘cause Diana likes cruising and while we were together, I learned the hard way that it’s best to like what.........hold that thought, I am important and I have to get the other line.

Ed:’re back.  It’s way past lunch-time and I need something to eat.  How ‘bout I call you back in 45 minutes and we’ll continue this.

Gary:  Thanks for calling me back.  Feel better now?

Ed:  Yes, thanks.  So Gary have you ever cruised before??
Gary:  Hello!!??  I was on submarines with lots of other men for many moons under water and I’m pretty sure we went to different places but now it’s sort of a blur and I have trouble.......wait, there’s the other line and given my importance, I need to get it.

Ed:  You’re back again.  So, what is your favorite cocktail?

Gary:  I’m with Roger on this one again.  Bombay Sapphire martini up with no vermouth.

Ed:  And you’re favorite food and desert?

Gary:  Again I’m with Andre and Roger on this one but mostly Roger.  I like what ever is put in front of me and since I was on a submarine I eat everything that is put in front of me and often what is put in front of my table mates.  Sometime I pay them back if you know what I.......damn, it’s the other line again and I’m sure it will require someone of my importance to answer it.

Ed:  Do you have any hobbies?

Gary:  Just my work.  I love going to work.  It’s really fun and I am very important.  Oh yeah, I’ve sort of got into Japanese swords......mostly because Roger likes them.

Ed:  I’ve noticed that you refer to Roger quite often.  Is there something going on between you two??

Gary:  I have no idea what you’re talking about!!  OK, so I spent a lot of time on submarines with a
lot of good looking older men and they showed me how to shower and how to wash myself properly.  And they showed me that sometimes two or even three of us could fit in the same bunk.  Yes, I passed these techniques on to the younger men but I always preferred being taught and disciplined when I misbehaved.  And, Roger is older and he is kinda cute and he has a wonderful sense of humor and he is very soft and.......wait a second, there is the phone again.  Hang on gotta go.

Ed:  Geeze Gary it’s almost 9:30 p.m. you must have a very dedicated staff at the district.....I mean so many folks working on Sunday......pretty amazing.

Gary:  Actually, I’m the only one here.  No one else comes in on Sunday.....just me.

Ed:  I don’t get it.  You say you’re the only one there yet almost every time I ask you a question, you tell me you need to answer an important phone call.  What’s going on?

Gary:  Well, uh, well, listen, I’m a very important person and these people need me. CLICK.

Photo provided by

Monday, June 1, 2015


That's this coming Friday! 
Need your check payment for the upcoming Pre-Cruise Brunch on Sunday, June 28th at Duke's Huntington Beach. I need to get our restaurant reservations in. The brunch is reserved for us at 12noon, get there early and meet at the restaurant bar, if you like.  Roger and I will be there by come find us!

Thus far our YES RSVP  are.... Andre  - Karen & Buzz - Rocky & Peggy - Norm & Wendy - Michael & JoMary - Ross - Pat - Jim & Jan - Angie - Lien, Ted - Alex & of course Roger & Diana ...still waiting to hear from more!